Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Playoff Picture Set

Gateway beat Southern Illinois tonight, so the Grizzlies have clinched the final playoff spot. The Miners' loss, combined with the ThunderBolts' win over Rockford, drops them two games back, meaning Windy City has clinched the West Division title. (Traverse City also won, but the Grizzlies hold the tie breaker.)

The regular season ends tomorrow. The playoffs begin Friday, with Gateway at Kalamazoo and Southern Illinois at Windy City.


Chard said...

Actually, I think those playoff matchups are wrong. I believe K-Zoo's loss and Windy City's division clinching win tonight TIES them with the Kings. Windy City has a winning record against the Kings, so right now Windy City IS the first seed. Either another Bolts win, or a Kings loss tomorrow means that the first round would in fact be Gateway at Windy city, and Southern Illinois at K-Zoo.

I can tell you it was good times in Crestwood tonight, after the game they put the last 2 innings of the Gateway/Miners game on over the PA system. LOTS of celebrating went on after that.

Though if the Bolts can win one more game tomorrow, it looks like I may have wasted 44 dollars worth of Southern IL Miners playoff tickets. Good seats, second row, next to the visitors dugout. Any takers?

Chard said...
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Chard said...

Also, Tim, I don't know if you've noticed, but somebody has hijacked some of the links on the flhistory page (best frontier league website out there) When I clicked on the link for the 2007 season, I got a pop up saying something about "please wait while you are being redirected to the new site" or some such, while I get bombarded by dozens of pop-ups for spyware and general spam. It also happened with one of the links to one of the teams, might have been the Ozark-Ducks, not sure if it was them or not though.

Just figured I should let you know.

Tim said...

Hey, you're right about the matchups. The Kings have had the best record in the league for a while now that I never bothered to notice that the T-Bolts had caught up. Thanks for the heads up.

Regarding the site, I've had to change servers due to some shenanigans with the previous host. The new URL is http://flhistory.gofreeserve.com/

Some of the links may be broken, but if you copy and paste "gofreeserve" over "garmurdesign" you should be all right. As soon as the playoffs are over I've got a LOT of work to do on the site, including checking links.
